A sporadic trip to Anthropologie resulted in some cool finds & unexpected smiles!
I picked this up for my little sister for her apartment back at school.
Originally, grabbed this coffee table book for a birthday/going-away present for a friend but snagged one for myself. Just too irresistible of a deal & cutesy factor!
And now the stuff that makes me tingly & gitty to read:
Found this in the Book of Birthdays & I couldn't have written it better myself!
And look at the fortune for my name (Tiffany)!
And just for the heck of it, here's a shot that I snapped of my outfit in the dressing room! Sadly, i didn't get the dress hanging in the background. Bummer but my hair is great!
This song always brings a smile to my face! I'd like to believe it was written especially for me!
There's so much to share but so little time! LOL! I'm a simple Southern girl really enjoying the life I've been given. I play hard & love harder! I'm probably misunderstood by 90% of the people who know me. Luckily, the other 10% love me for all of my quirks!
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