
Separation Anxiety

Destructive vs. Constructive? Fulfilling vs. Draining? Positive vs. Negative? No matter how we choose to rid our lives of the bad things, we end up running that thing past one (if not all) of these questions. It seems like a no-brainer but we still have to check to see where it falls. Whether it's a major relationship or a simple habit, the true gut check begins and ends with these questions. Funny enough, I've been standing in this same same grocery aisle of questions for some time looking at all the cans wondering which I'm going to put in my basket & which I'd leave behind for someone else to pick up. As simple of a choice as it should be, I'm not sure that I'm ready to leave some behind. My mind races between these questions constantly tagging back and forth:
  • What will I do with the time that deserting this will leave me?
  • What will people say once I've walked away?
  • How will I explain my decision?
  • Do I really need to let go of it?
Truth be told I know the answers to all of these and already know what I'm going to do. My biggest concern is what happens in the meantime. How do you tackle the emotions that come along with the choice? All of those emotions are a direct derivative of fear; sometimes minor and other times paralyzing. Whichever the case, I challenge you (and myself) to grab that fear by the horns and wrestle it to the ground. Sure, there will be a few bruises as a result but a small cost to achieve the happiness we all seek. Whatever it is that you're trying to separate yourself from, do it now! Don't worry about the frivolous questions that float through your mind. Those are just self-inflicted tricks to keep us from what we really desire. The anxiety will soon subside and you will triumph!

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