Last night I {{FINALLY}} got the chance to see Corinne Bailey Rae in concert! Just so you know, I LOVE HER!! I really love the sound of singers from across the pond. The whole deal with her husband made me think that she'd surely give up on music & I'd never have the chance to see her perform. Several failed attempts at seeing her at the re-birthed Lilith Fair also made me believe that seeing her in person would never happen. Imagine my excitement when I found out that she was coming to town & tickets were only $25! REALLY?!?!? On a whim, I was crazy enough to buy a plane ticket & concert tickets to see Erykah Badu in Chicago so I was not going to miss out on another chance to be a musical stalker. The concert was held at the New Daisy Theater on historic Beale Street. The venue leaves a bit to be desired and is standing room only but is great if you want to see an artist in a very intimate setting. Her voice & energy were awesome! She was having a great time & so was the crowd. Despite all the chaos at the beginning of the night, it was well worth it!
Sorry about the quality of the pics. My digital camera had major 'tude so I had to resort to using my BlackBerry. I saw a girl with the new touch-screen Coolpix last night & I think I might take the plunge. Her pictures rivaled those of the fancier larger DSLRs. I'm going to see if Santa thinks I was a good enough girl to get it for Christmas or sometime before then! *crosses fingers*
Guuuurrrlll! I have the biggest girl crush on her! I have yet to see her live though. If I had any kind of singing voice or musical talent, I feel like she's close to the type of artist I would be. I love her hair and her vibe.