Before you get alarmed & think I'm pushing illegal substances, "h4xx0r" is just a way of saying hacker! And by hacker, I really am friendly & just doing a few D.I.Y projects. If you know me then you know there are few accessories that I've come face-to-face with that I didn't like. Bad for me because I've run out of places to store my collection. I thought a no-buy would buy me time to solving this problem. NOPE! It's just turned me into a D.I.Y fool! In just a few projects I've saved myself about...brace yourself...$400!!! What can I say, I have expensive taste!
After church, I jumped in the Blue Bullet and headed over to Joann Fabrics to see what I could get into for the afternoon. So here's what I've been up to:
Hack #1 - Rope necklace

I first saw this D.I.Y done by Maegan of ...love Maegan a few months ago. At the time, I was too lazy to look for the supplies so, essentially, it was just another bookmark saved for no reason. I rediscovered her blog last month & decided I was going to go through with it this time. One minute, two curtain ties, one spool of ribbon & $8, I had a new necklace! It was so easy & cheap that I can see this being my staple necklace for the fall. (Sales alert: The curtain ties run $4.99 but are 40% off right now making them $2.99!)
Hack #2 - Feather Headband

Hack #3 - Makeup Organizer

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