Guilty Pleasure
One day...
The countdown begins...(and rambling about my rambling)
Lame title, I know, but here's the 2nd part of my adventures at the TN Natural Hair & Wellness Expo!
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of bath and body products, even more so if they are all natural. The expo was packed to the brim with ladies proving that we can "cook" in the bathroom, too!
First up is Andrea of The Bubble Bistro! I heard many great things about her before I could even find her shop nestled inconspicuously in Midtown. I was ecstatic to see she was on the list of vendors for the event. She's always a pleasure to talk to & her work in unbelievable. She carries products for men & women including bath bombs, body oils and shampoo bars. If you live in Memphis, you've definitely heard the buzz of her products by now. I couldn't resist leaving without a few goodies for my stash!
I snatched up 2 soaps, a scrub & a body butter!! SCORE!
Peeking my curiosity was table featuring Divine Clementines's Dope Soap on a Rope. How could you not love these adorable little soaps! The line is made of four scents: Lavender Goats Milk, Teatree Goats Milk Oatmeal Cookie, Peppermint Goats Milk and Coconut Ylang Ylang. The creator of this line is based out of Atlanta with roots here in Memphis. With true Southern charm, she juggled her line of customers while giving me the back story of how she got started. I scooped up a couple of her heart-shaped soaps for the road & let her get back to business. Her table was selling out fast!
Looking back at my goodie bag that I amassed at the show, I'm surprised that I didn't go broke at the expo. I have enough products to last me until the end of the year. The best thing is that everything has a long enough shelf life (when kept out of water) to sustain until I can get around to it. Definitely, a great investment if you keep the schedule I do and love to pamper yourself every once in a while.
I felt this was totally appropriate!
See you later!
Gimme that!
The other day, I had a tad bit of free time after work and I decided to swing my Anthropologie. This place normally gets me in so much trouble. (Not so) surprisingly, it's not the clothes that I have a hard time resisting. It's the random knick-knacks they sell that I must have. Only in Anthropologie would I feel completely justified in purchasing a $25 notebook. Despite my weakness, I ducked in and quickly fell back into bad habit. I resisted as much as I could by leaving with just a belt. I wore it out on a date last night. (I'll spare you the sad details of that monstrosity!) I can't wait to wear it more!
Here's what caught my eye! Maybe I'll get something with the 15% off birthday card they sent last week.
Don't act like you're surprised that I'd be drooling over a book!
Love this cute dish for keeping up with my rings!
Despite my coffee addiction, I thought this would also work as a cute alternative flower pot!
Though I have been keeping shopping to a minimum for essentials, I did "splurge" a bit on a recent trip to Starbucks. Overall, Beyonce did pretty good with 4. It's taken me a while to like most of the songs. My favorites are Party, Countdown, Rather Die Young & Run the World. Bey rarely does wrong in my eyes & she delivered for me on this album. It's worth checking out!
Naturally Awesome!

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Tennessee Natural Hair and Wellness Expo. It was nothing short of exciting and amazing to see so many people come out to support the event. The vendors and workshops were great! Though I was only there a few hours, I met quite a few wonderful people that I can't wait to stay in touch with. I thought I would be able to cover the entire event in just one post but I'm going to have to break this down into a few parts. Bear with me as I get it all together. And special thanks to Alycia of All Day Natural and Elle of Beale Street Chic for asking me to cover the event. If you haven't checked out their blogs, GO NOW!!!
The first table I spotted was shared by Leah of Etniq Cosmetics and Nakia of Nakia Amour. These ladies are seriously holding it down in Little Rock. They are keeping all the ladies in their area rocking fab hair & flawless makeup. Surprise, surprise...the products are ALL NATURAL!
Nakia is the creator of a natural hair care products. Her line includes a pre-conditioning oil, leave-in conditioner, moisturizer and gel. She even has a black soap shampoo that also doubles as a facial wash! I loved that her product line is free of all the icky stuff like silicones and synthetics. A walking billboard for her own product line, her hair was gorgeous & healthy!
Don't we kinda look like long lost sisters!?!?
Stay tuned for part 2 of the happenings from the TN Natural Hair and Wellness Expo...
- I'm blogging & live tweeting from the TN Natural Hair Care & Wellness Expo tomorrow! Stay tuned for a detailed post on the festivities.
- I made it to the 2nd round of interviews for a new position! (Because of this, I have to complete a project by Monday. Eeek! I haven't finished but I have a solid start to it. I'm going to give it my all in some major power sessions this weekend.)
- I'll be featured on fellow curly girl's blog!
- I'm putting together the framework of my own Mastermind group which will start at the end of this month!

I got my braces removed yesterday meaning no more being confused for a teenager or one of the summer interns! I'm now free to eat all the apples, almonds, sushi and popcorn my heart desires!
I'm still alive!
Gratuitous car pic to prove that I'm alive & well!
Sooo, errr, ummm...I deserted my happy place on the interwebz a bit longer than I intended to! My only explanation is that life has been taking me for a bit of a ride lately. Some things were more than I bargained for & others were just parts of life. Either way, I'm developing a gratefulness for all that I'm experiencing and patiently awaiting the moment that I can see the fruits of it all. As not to keep you in the complete dark on the latest happenings, here's a few things that have been keeping me tied up...
You've heard my constant rambling about my braces & I am glad to say that I am in the homestretch now! I've had 2 oral surgeries in the last 6 weeks and I'm praying that I can get this dang-blasted metal removed next Friday. (Send up a prayer that my Ortho doesn't throw me any curve balls by changing the date.) A couple of my awesome work friends have offered to go on a lunch date with me to eat all the non-braces friendly cuisine that I've been avoiding for the last two and a half years. I just want a plate full of sushi, corn on the cob & taffy! Yay!
My (not-so) little sister is officially a college graduate! This has been a very proud process for me to see her grow up & have the opportunity to go to college. She even found a full-time job and moved back home this weekend. I took a tiny sigh of relief knowing that she could enter the working class so quickly after school. Today, she received her acceptance into graduate school! A few more years & she'll be able to support me. (Wishful thinking, huh?!?!)
Work is rarely more than work but lately it's given me the opportunity to develop strengths that I wasn't sure that I had. I have a great work support system that keeps me off the ledge when things get to be too much for my introverted nature. Luckily, they push me to take chances and to get myself noticed by others across the organization. I'm hoping the last few months of hard work (& discomfort) will lead to advancement.
Dating...well, the dating game is just that..a game! There are times that I'm up for it & times when I just want things to be simple. Although I'm always looking for a challenge and the opportunity to learn from my interactions with others, I am not interested in the sport of dating. I think someone's passing out a memo that every woman over the age of 25 has obnoxious clock ticking that forces her to take whatever mediocre offering a man puts on the table. Not the case for me! I cannot deal with inconsistency and flakiness. As soon as the red flag pops up, I'm off the boat before it sinks. The BFF has shut down my wishes to become a nun so I guess I'm in this for the long haul. Prayers accepted for this endeavor, too!Friday

Seen and Heard

My introverted personality takes pride in moving about undetected with stealth-like precision. Last week, I had a complete misfire of my ninja powers...
My alarm started blaring at 5:30 and I stumbled from the bed about a hour later. Despite the slow start, I was in great spirits & went about getting ready. I don't toil around with making perfect outfits. I pretty much close my eyes, reach in my closet & pull out something. As long as the resulting outfit covers my lady bits, I roll with it without too much additional thought. This day was no different. By 7:20, I was out the door & at Starbucks by 7:30. In that 10 minute time frame, a monsoon came through and I was taking my 2nd shower of the day. Still determined to get in my daily allowance of caffeine, I snatched up my umbrella from the passenger side floorboard, whipped it out my door & headed into the elements. Halfway across the parking lot, God must have taken a deep sigh because a huge gust of wind came through. Consequently, my umbrella turned on me & cracked me right in the middle of my forehead. So M-F'ing hard that I stumbled! Through the cartoon-like stars circling my head, I saw another Starbucks patron shaking his head in amazement at my moment of discombobulation! Not wanting to let on that I felt as small as an ant, I sauntered right into the Starbucks to get my crack...err, drink. The wind was apparently still in the mood to toy with me & was now forcing me to use my not-so-brute strength to open the door. Once I got it open, the damn wind was not letting go & causing me to yank it closed. {Insert loud boom} Gathering my composure & my cardigan (now completely twisted & exposing far too much skin for February), I let my umbrella down and tossed it next to the creamer station. {Insert nuclear bomb sound effect} Terrified, I looked around and locked eyes with my Starbucks admirer. My brain flooded with millions of prayers similar to: "GO-GO-GADGET INVISIBLE CLOAK", "PLEASE GOD MELT ME INTO A PUDDLE LIKE IN THE CARTOONS" and "WAKE UP & THIS DREAM WILL BE OVER"! I think God may have walked away from the mainline briefly because none of the above happened. I hurried to the counter to order my goods, spoke a gratuitous "Good Morning!" to my buddy then scurried to my car. Once in the safety of my car, I let out the most audible sigh in history then smacked my (still pink from Round 1 with my umbrella)forehead on the steering wheel. I want to tell you the day got astronomically better. I really do! In typical fashion, I managed to execute several equally embarrassing moments across the remainder of the day. I hit the sack around 8:00 that night to spare the lives of the remaining citizens of my dear city.
This is not an excerpt from a tween book series! This is a typical day in my life proving that you just grow older not cooler!
Photo credit: I stole this picture somewhere from the interwebz months ago. I'll find the original owner & give them proper credits, I promise!
Imperfectly Quotable
Let's call this a comeback!
- hugs
- kisses
- spending quality time with friends & family
- conquering a fear
- reading
- cooking
- dancing
- sushi
- motivating others
- dessert
- volunteering
- seeing others happy
- traveling
- writing
- flowers (especially HUGE sunflowers)
- watching the sun rise
- talking to my friends
- receiving encouraging words from others
- praying for others
- making others smile
- completing an assignment
- looking at old pictures
- thinking about times with Fix-it Freddy (my grandfather)
- receiving a compliment
- finding vintage jewelry
- the smell of lavender
- a huge mug of tea
- hearing someone say that they love me
- painting my nails
- wearing my hair obnoxiously big
- sitting in a coffee shop wasting time
- standing on a rooftop overlooking the river
- going to the movies
- going to the park
- reading poetry
- reading the Bible
- listening to Al Green songs
- going to concerts
- black & white movies
- leopard print pumps
- peaches
- kiwis
- Gilmore Girl re-runs
- vanilla milkshakes
- sitting on the beach reading magazines
- Denver, CO
- Dallas, TX
- omelets
- all thinks Italian (especially Italian men)
- dreaming of moving to Paris
- greasy cheese fries
- exercising
- going for long walks
- butterflies
- turtles <~~~~ random!!!
- browsing libraries, bookstores & art galleries
- the smell of a new car
- sugar cookies
- craft festivals
- cupcakes
- Heath cookies from McAlisters (& sweet tea)
- cheesecake
- coffee (with a lot of cream)
- handmade jewelry
- massages
- dates (with a lot of laughter & genuine conversation)
- holding hands
- Empire Records, Grease & A Bronx Tale (movies)
- listening to my elders talk
- scary movies
- making hair products & accessories
- reading fashion magazines
- playing with makeup
- flying alone
- knowing that someone is thinking of me
- "I miss you" texts and phone calls
- leaving handwritten notes
- lace panties <~~~such a girly thing!
- soft leather purses
- my crazy furrballs Ava & Avery
- quiet time alone
- God's revelations to me
- supporting a good cause
- farmers' markets
- big sunglasses
- any song by Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu or Chaka Khan
- restful sleep <~~~~ a rarity for me
- red wine
- "Good Morning" texts and phone calls
- Anything blue, purple, yellow or green
- cozy sweatshirts and sweaters
- high heels
- holding hands
- notebooks
- tattoos
- jeans worn with cotton t-shirts
- tall men with great smiles
- unique jewelry
- Washington, D.C.